Meet Our Hygienist

Priyam – Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH)

Priyam Shah, Registered Dental Hygienist

As a child, Priyam spent countless hours in a dental office. Somewhere in between getting her cavities fixed and aligning her teeth, she fell in love with her dentist and the dental field. She strives to provide her patients the same comfort and care her dentist had given her.

In 2011, Priyam graduated with honors from the prestigious New York University College of Dentistry with an AA in Dental Hygiene. She received the Colgate STAR award for being the best student in her class. Before that, she received her bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences and Psychology from the University of California, Irvine. Priyam is known for her gentle treatment and friendly attitude. Patients love seeing Priyam regularly for their preventative dental treatment.

Other than dentistry, Priyam is very passionate about dancing, movies, food, and her family and friends. She also loves traveling to different countries and tries to take at least one international trip a year with her husband and/or friends.

“I firmly believe that what we do for patients at the dental office cannot be substituted for what patients don’t do at home. So, I consider it my first and foremost duty to educate my patients about how they can keep up with their oral hygiene when they’re not in my dental chair.”

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Oral Cancer Screening Video

Oral Cancer Screening Video
Every patient at Downtown Dental undergoes a thorough check for oral cancer and other dental health issues. This video shows how it’s done.
Here at downtown Dental, we take oral health and cancer screenings very serious. This month is November and it’s the month of oral health cancer awareness and screenings. Every patient we examined thoroughly, we look and we check their lips, tongue and we check for any abnormalities or bumps. At home you should also check to make sure that everything looks okayLeava is going to demonstrate what in oral health cancer screening is and what we examine. So, we first start off by checking all the lips. We make sure that the lips look healthy and that we palpate them, which is touching them and making sure that there’s nothing anormal. Then we go into the mucosa and check the cheeks. We’re going to look and check the hard palate as well as the soft palate. This might tickle a little. We checked the posterior of the tongue. Do you, Viola, go ahead and say, aaaaaa. We check the lateral sides of the tongue. Go ahead and sit your tongue showed up great. And we also check the floor of the mouth. Get the tongue to the roof of your mouth. Good all clear. Oral cancer is especially important to check the patients who are smokers, alcohol drinkers and we thank you for watching the video.

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