“How can I make this pain stop?” Millions of TMJ disorder patients ask this question after getting unsatisfactory results from their medical doctors. If you are suffering from constant neck and head pain, it can take a toll on your mood, sleep, and overall health. But don’t lose hope. A TMJ dentist in Los Angeles, California, can […]
Good dental health is not only about keeping the smile free from gum disease and cavities. It is also connected to the chewing muscles and joints of the entire head. Keeping them in proper working order is vital to good overall health and wellness. Dentists who offer solutions for neuromuscular dentistry, such as the team at Downtown […]
Are you tired of hearing that your TMJ pain is all in your head, or that you will just have to live with it? Do you have a variety of other physical discomforts without apparent reason? Are you ready to resolve the underlying cause of these problems rather than masking symptoms with mind-dulling pain medications? Then it […]
Patients in the Los Angeles, CA area who are faced with conditions such as TMJ disorder (TMD) are often on the lookout for effective diagnosis and treatment for their concerns. TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint that can become problematic for many patients due to dysfunction. This joint hinges the jaw to the skull. When it begins […]
Los Angeles patients seeking quality oral health services and treatment are welcome to contact the team of Downtown Dental. Dr. Don Mungcal and his staff are committed to helping patients achieve beautiful, healthy smiles—and smiles that do not impact their quality of life. When conditions such as TMJ disorder (TMD) become an issue, patients need to start […]
Most adults suffer from temporary jaw stiffness or pain at some point in their lives. It is often the result of clenching, grinding, or poor posture during times of stress. However, chronic jaw pain can have other causes. Don’t assume that every dentist is a TMJ expert, specialist, or takes your discomfort seriously. Patients in […]
More than 10 million Americans suffer from TMJ disorders, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Part of the reason that number is estimated is because so many people suffer this discomfort in silence. When you have a condition that isn’t visibly obvious, it can be challenging for others to take it […]
Do you often wake up with an aching head, neck, jaw, or shoulders? Have you tried changing pillows and sleeping positions, only to find that the persistent pain remains? For many men and women, soreness in the face, jaw, and head are daily experiences caused by temporomandibular joint dysfunction, also known as TMJ disorder or […]
Jaw pain, headaches, discomfort through the neck and shoulders, unexplained dizzy spells, or clicking sounds when a person opens his or her mouth could all leave a patient uncomfortable, in pain, and confused about the cause. He or she may try medication to numb the pain or alternative medications to try to get it to […]