The more research that takes place, the more we are gaining confirmation of what we have long suspected; our degree of oral health has a direct impact on overall health. The list of disease processes linked to oral health, specifically gum disease, is long and continually growing. As if there weren’t enough reasons for us to encourage proper gum care in our DTLA patients, the systemic implications of gum disease solidifies our stance. Here are some reasons you should be concerned, too.
Gum disease and the arteries
Medical research has confirmed that arteries become hardened when fatty-plaque can build up within them. The primary cause of this build-up, we now know, is what is called the “inflammation effect.” Through DNA testing, we know that there are over 800 species of bacteria inside the human mouth. When not properly disposed of, these bacteria can wreak havoc, irritating oral tissues.
Irritated oral tissues are not the only problem with gum disease. The body responds to this irritation with a natural inflammatory response, ultimately affecting the whole body, arteries and all.
Gum disease, systemic inflammation, and diabetes
It is common knowledge that diabetics have a higher risk of developing gum disease. On the flip side, the development of gum disease in the diabetic makes it more difficult to gain control over diabetes.
Gum disease and stroke
Recent research has implicated gum disease and its subsequent inflammation as an important risk factor of ischemic stroke. This type of stroke is a result of blocked blood flow to the brain.
Gum disease during pregnancy
Gum disease not only affects the mouth and body, research shows that this condition can affect an unborn fetus. Gum disease during pregnancy is associated with low birth weight, as well as preterm delivery and gestational diabetes.
There’s hope!
Fortunately, you have a great deal of control over your oral health, which means you are in the driver’s seat, directing your overall health, as well. Taking control of your oral health, with help from your experienced dental team, gives you the power to maintain health and avoid potentially deadly health conditions. Dr. Mungcal has extensive dental experience. Our patients benefit from our commitment to oral health and personalized treatment plans.
Contact Downtown Dental today for your oral examination.