If you fear dental treatment, you are not alone. Across the United States, men and women from all walks of life and of all ages put their appearance, oral health, and physical wellness at risk by avoiding dental care. Dr. Don Mungcal provides sedation for those who resist seeing a dentist in Los Angeles, CA because of anxiety. He offers these suggestions to get you in the chair and on the path to improved oral health.
The first step can be the most difficult, but be assured that Dr. Mungcal and his team are here to help. When you dial 213-863-9464 you’ll be greeted by a friendly voice – a real person who understands your concerns and treats you with respect and compassion. We schedule an initial consultation so that you may speak privately with Dr. Mungcal. This relaxed appointment allows you to feel comfortable and familiar with the atmosphere in our office. It also helps the doctor determine which type of sedation is right for your level of anxiety and the work that needs done to get your mouth into good shape. Then a treatment visit is scheduled.
Usually, oral sedation is all that’s needed to take the edge off, allowing you to relax for treatment. If Dr. Mungcal determines this is appropriate in your case, you receive a prescription for a valium-type medication. You simply take one tablet to help you sleep the night before your appointment, and another an hour or so before you arrive. You will be awake during treatment; just very relaxed. You can respond to conversation or use the restroom if you need to.If your anxiety is extreme, or if you need extensive or multiple dental procedures, Dr. Mungcal may recommend intravenous sedation, to be administered when you arrive for care. Oral sedation first, ensures that you are calm and ready for treatment. Then a very fine needle is inserted into a vein to bring you to a deeper level of relaxation. Most patients sleep right through the appointment.Regardless of which method is used, your wellbeing is monitored throughout the visit. Please arrange for a ride to and from our office, because sedation causes a little grogginess.
The wonderful thing about sedation dentistry is that it promotes fast recovery. Dr. Mungcal is able to perform treatment more quickly, so you have less time in the chair. Because your body and face are relaxed, there’s little risk of strain to your jaw or neck, and reduced trauma to oral tissues. You sleep well following your appointment, and awake refreshed, without emotional trauma. Any healing typically occurs quickly.
There is no need to let your smile suffer from dental anxiety. Call Downtown Dental today at 213-863-9464 to schedule a consultation.